2024-05-27 17:21:08 评论: 点击:
Spiral steel pipe is a spiral seam steel pipe made from strip steel coil as raw material, often formed by warm extrusion, and welded by automatic double wire double-sided submerged arc welding process. The raw materials for spiral steel pipes include steel coils, welding wires, and flux. Strict physical and chemical testing must be conducted before investment. The butt joint of the steel strip head and tail adopts single wire or double wire submerged arc welding, and automatic submerged arc welding repair welding is used after rolling into the steel pipe.
螺旋钢管是以带钢卷板为原材料,经常温挤压成型,以自动双丝双面埋弧焊工艺焊接而成的螺旋缝钢管。螺旋钢管的原材料即带钢卷,焊丝,焊剂。在投入前都要经过严格的理化检验。 带钢头尾对接,采用单丝或双丝埋弧焊接,在卷成钢管后采用自动埋弧焊补焊。
螺旋钢管在成型前,带钢经过矫平、剪边、刨边,表面清理输送和予弯边处理。 采用电接点压力表控制输送机两边压下油缸的压力,确保了带钢的平稳输送。 钢管采用外控或内控辊式成型。 用螺旋钢管焊缝间隙控制装置来保证焊缝间隙满足焊接要求,管径,错边量和焊缝间隙都可以得到严格的控制。

螺旋钢管的内焊和外焊均采用品牌电焊机进行单丝或双丝埋弧焊接,从而获得稳定的焊接规范。 焊完的焊缝均经过在线连续超声波自动伤仪检查,保证了螺旋焊缝的无损检测覆盖率。然后根据客户要求的螺旋钢管定尺长度,采用空气等离子切割机将钢管切成单根。